Website Editor is published by Beyond Associés SAS’s company, business lock, registered with the Paris registry of commerce and companies under number 448 637 033, and whose head office is located at 4, rue Daru, Paris (75008).

The editor can be reached by e-mail at the following e-mail address:

The website is hosted by Squarespace Inc. whose head office is located at 459 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York (NY 10013).

The director of the publication and editor of this website is Mr Michel Tobelem, co-founder of Beyond Associés.

Intellectual Property

All information reproduced in the website (text, photo, logo…) are protected by intellectual property rights held by Beyond Associés or its partners.

Therefore, none of this information can be commercially reproduced, modified, retransmitted, translated, exploited or reused in any way whatsoever without the prior written agreement of Beyond Associés.

The title, design, form of the website but also is content such as news, descriptions, illustrations and original images and their organization, as well as any compilation of software, basic source code and other elements contained in the website are the property of Beyond Associés.

Hypertext links

Our web pages also provide links to other sites. We bear no responsibility for the full compliance of these websites with public order and morality standards, personal data protection policy or use made of these data.

When accessing to another site, via a hypertext link, you agree that this access is at your own risk. Consequently, any direct or indirect damage resulting from your access to another site through a hypertext link cannot commit the responsibility of the company Beyond Associés.

Access to the site

Beyond Associés tries to keep the site accessible, without being under any obligation to do so. It is specified that for purposes of maintenance, update and for any other reasons, including technical ones, the access to the site may be interrupted. The company Beyond Associés is in no way responsible for these interruptions and the consequences that may result for the user.

Protection of personal data

Beyond Associés may collect personal data about the user, in particular via its website Under the French law n ° 78-17 of January 6th 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms, any user who has provided nominative information to the service, directly or indirectly, may request the communication of personal information to the service administrator, have them rectified or deleted if necessary by contacting Beyond Associés.

To learn more about our privacy policy, please click here.